Gotta Have Heart
- Short Documentary | 26 min 25 sec
- Directed by Sandi Perlmutter, USA
When Edd met Joe, he told him that his heart hurt; Joe thought he was being metaphorical. In this touching love story, we meet a sweet, cantankerous New York couple facing incredible obstacles just to keep retired ballet dancer Edd alive. Fondly remembering their 23 years together, they recount Edd’s near death experiences, failed attempts at fixing his heart, and their hope for a miracle. Gotta Have Heart is an intimate portrait of devotion and survival.
Director’s Bio
Sandi Perlmutter is a New York City based filmmaker. For over two decades she has written and produced television shorts and promos for Bravo, AMC, Turner
Broadcasting, MuchmusicUSA and Fuse, among others. She has created TV segments for European TV including ZDF and ARD/Germany, SRD/Switzerland
and RAI/Italy. She also produced the award-winning documentary Russell Means: Born Again Primitive, a Swiss/German co-production.
A graduate of The New School Documentary Media Studies program, Gotta Have Heart is Sandi’s first film.